Featured in Women’s Day Magazine


I am super excited to be celebrating my birthday and 39 years of life with all of you thanks to Women’s Day including me in their “Celebrate your Age” feature in the Summer 2021 issue!

We live in a world where often we are conditioned to fear growing older. And honestly, even though I’m a psychologist and know it’s all BS, sometimes I still feel afraid.

Getting to be a part of this feature reminded me that life, in all it’s messiness and imperfection, is a gift and it’s meant to be celebrated NOW, not waiting for when things are perfectly aligned.


I am nerding out in total giddiness over what I am about to tell you next. You can find this magazine (with me in the table of contents as well as a 2-page feature!) this summer wherever magazines are sold.

Including my favorite place, Target.

Call my Mom and tell her I’ve made it!


Dr. Therese


How birthdays impact our mental health...thoughts from a licensed psychologist


Thoughts From A Licensed Therapist: Meghan Revealing Her Struggle With Suicidal Thoughts is Tragic, and So Important