Love The Journey
in collaboration with
Dr. Therese has just released her inaugural full-color wellness workbook and journal featuring real questions and exercises from the therapy room to help you be your best.

Build a life you don't
need a vacation from.
Hi, I’m Dr. Therese!
I help overwhelmed people defy the 9-5 hustle and thrive in the life of their dreams.
Psychologist | Author | Speaker
I created Exploring Therapy as a community to inspire people to live more healthy, free, and connected lives that they are simply in love with - lives they don’t need a vacation from. Learn more about me.
Where you've seen me:

Grab Some Freebies!
Free Ebook:
How To Say “No” (Without Feeling Bad About It!)
Do you struggle with trying to keep everybody happy? Or with knowing what you want versus everyone else?
Grab this FREE copy of my e-book, and learn how you can say NO without even feeling bad about it!
Free Guide:
Start Your Online Therapy Practice in 30 Days
So you want to start your online practice but you have no idea where to start? I’ve been practicing online for over 5 years, I’ve made a lot of mistakes through the years, and I’ve got your back! Here are 3 things you NEED to know before getting started.
Free Guide:
5 BIGGEST Branding Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
You want to create a brand you love that attracts your ideal clients… but you don’t have $10k to risk hiring the wrong people. The good news is, you can totally DIY a fantastic brand! Just beware of these branding No-Nos.
DIY Your Brand
If you’re on a mental health journey, I’m here to be your guide. Say goodbye to the musty sofas and old bearded dudes with glasses and cardigans. Say hello to energy, insight, and yes, sometimes even FUN, while we team up to help you become the very best version of you using science-proven-effective care.
If you want to create a beautiful brand for your business, but feel overwhelmed or have no design experience, my branding course will be your lifesaver. I’ll teach you what I learned (including the mistakes I made creating my own brand and overseeing the rebrand for a multi-million dollar business) so you can have a well executed, professional looking brand in no time.
Grab my FREE book :
How To Say No ( Without Feeling Bad About It!)

The Latest
About Our Community
Exploring Therapy is a community dedicated to helping people live more healthy, free and connected lives that they absolutely love.
We explore what wellness looks like in the therapy office and beyond.
We believe that being healthy is a mind, body, and soul practice.
We believe that love is essential, that relationships are the greatest source of health and healing, and that people like you and me have the power to make a real and impactful change in our world.
We prefer to be warm people over cool people.
We believe we have the power to hold space for one another.
We believe that overcoming our fears makes for the best kind of life.
We believe that enjoying life should happen everyday - not just weekends, or in two weeks of vacation a year.
We search and sometimes fight for the small moments of joy and delight that bring balance to our active lives, often spent serving others.
We advocate for self-care in all forms, including therapy, long coffee dates with friends, and dark chocolate.
We believe in giving back, failing up, serving others, generosity, and kindness to our planet and home.
We believe that more often than not, anything we do is best done together. That’s why Exploring Therapy exists.
Let’s play a quick game of find the lie:
You feel guilty if you’re not constantly doing something “useful.”
Resting makes you uncomfortable—like you should be earning it.
Your to-do list feels like it never ends, no matter how much you check off.
Even when you finish a big task, you don’t actually feel accomplished—just onto the next thing.