Love in Action: How to Give When the World Feels Heavy

Imagine starting 2025 full of hope, only to have everything you own reduced to ashes overnight. Imagine escaping with only the clothes on your back, unsure of where you’ll sleep, what comes next, or how you’ll rebuild.

For a few of my friends in LA, that wasn’t just a nightmare scenario—it was their reality.

I was back home in SoCal when the wildfires broke out, and it was an especially hard few weeks for my clients and me as we watched the damage spread, taking with it homes, dreams, and the sense of security so many had built over years. To be fully transparent with you, this time has been heart-wrenching. It’s been hard to focus on “work” when so many are grappling with unimaginable loss. And while we often say Therapists are human too, if there was ever a time I wished I were superhuman, it’s now.

But I’m not here to tell you about tragedy.

Normally, around Valentine’s Day, I write about self-love—how to be kinder to ourselves, how to nurture our own hearts. And while that’s important, this year, my heart is telling me that love—real, powerful, life-changing love—isn’t just something we receive. It’s something we give.

Because despite the devastation, I have witnessed an overwhelming outpouring of love. I’ve seen generosity in its purest form—neighbors opening their homes to strangers, businesses providing meals, people donating money, clothes, and supplies. I’ve seen the kind of love that doesn’t wait for a Hallmark holiday to be expressed. It shows up, no matter what.

And that’s the thing about love that no one tells you.

The best Valentine’s Days—the best love—happens when you focus on what you give, not just what you get.

How to Give Love That Matters

If you’re feeling heavy about what’s happening in the world, if you’ve been wondering What can I even do?, here’s your answer:

💛 Focus on what you have.
If you have money to donate, that’s wonderful. If you don’t, you still have something to give. Maybe you have time to volunteer, a talent you can use to help others, or even just the ability to cook a meal for someone in need. No gift is too small when it’s given in love.

💛 Find a way to share it.
There’s no shortage of people and organizations doing incredible work—whether it’s disaster relief, feeding those in need, or supporting families who are starting over. Take a moment to research, ask around, or sign up for a volunteer shift.

💛 Make it real.
Good intentions are beautiful, but action is what creates change. Put it in your calendar. Set aside time. Even the smallest effort—sending a $5 donation, dropping off supplies, checking in on a friend—has a ripple effect.

Want to Send Love to LA?

If you’d like to help those affected by the wildfires, here are a few places that could use your support:

❤️Volunteer County of Los Angeles: Engages in various community support activities, including disaster response and recovery efforts. Volunteer here.

❤️Canine Rescue Club: Support for displaced pets and animals. Volunteer here.

❤️California Fire Foundation: Provides immediate assistance to victims through programs like supplying disaster relief cash cards to those affected by wildfires. Donate here.

Whatever you do, however small it may seem, know this: love is never wasted.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for caring. And thank you for showing up for a world that needs more of what only you can give.


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