5 Tips for Staying Mentally Healthy as a Remote Worker
Remote work offers a wide-range of benefits, but can also come with challenges, especially if you’re used to working in a traditional office environment. If you’re struggling to find your healthy stride with working remote, this article has some concrete tips to help you get through this!
Digital Nomad Depression + 4 Ways To Cope
The experience of traveling the world for an extended period of time is the adventure of a lifetime few are fortunate enough to experience. But what happens when you come home?
What It's Like Being A Telehealth Psychologist
The practice of telemental health (therapy conducted over the internet via encrypted video conferencing) has exploded over the past 5 years. It’s radically increased the accessibility of mental health and has changed the landscape of mental health practice for good. I’m convinced that telehealth is good for clients and therapists alike.