Sharing with Condé Nast Traveler

What’s the opposite of non-chalance? Is it chalance?

Well whatever it is, it’s with THAT I want to share that I was recently in Condé Nast talking about items to help your mental health while traveling with depression.

As a travel-obsessed human I am quite beside myself as I have loved Condé Nast for years! I was also relieved as I was able to confirm with the writer Sara Iannacone that it’s pronounced “kon-day nast." I was never really sure before, lol. 🤭

While the article focuses on depression, most people traveling with a mental illness will find some useful items discussed that would help them too. Also, a special shout out to Sara for breaking down mental health stigma by openly sharing about her experience as a travel writer with mental illness. It’s always music to this therapist’s ears when someone normalizes mental health challenges so nobody has to feel ashamed of their struggles. 🤗

BTW, my mission is help people love their lives so they never want to leave them.

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🧠 Simple mental health tips and inspiration

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