Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

“Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health” Ep.3 Out Now!

Indulge in this creamy, dreamy chocolate avocado mousse that’s as good for your brain as it is for your taste buds! Sure, it might look a little... well, like something else, but this dessert is no joke when it comes to boosting your mood. 

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

World Suicide Prevention Day: Everyday Ways to Offer Hope and Prevent Suicide

September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness, spreading hope, and taking action to prevent suicide. I lost my brother GJ to suicide back in 2009. He was incredibly creative, kind, and thoughtful. Losing him was one of the most painful experiences of my life and a huge catalyst behind my mission to help others love their lives so they never want to leave them.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

“Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health” Ep.2 Out Now!

I’m so excited to share something sweet with you today—literally! Abi and I just dropped a brand new video where we whip up a treat that’s not only delicious but also packs some serious mental health benefits. 🎉

Introducing our High Protein Probiotic Berry Bark—a simple, refreshing snack that combines the creamy goodness of Greek yogurt with the antioxidant power of fresh berries. It’s the perfect way to treat yourself while giving your brain a little boost.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Do You Ever Really “Get Over” a Relationship?

If you’ve ever had your heart broken, you’ll get it when I say it’s one of the most profound and challenging forms of grief. It’s not something you simply “get over” like flipping a switch. As a therapist who’s experienced heartache myself, I look back on those times as some of the hardest I’ve ever been through in my life.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Do You Get the Weekend Blues?

These days, I’m hearing more and more about how people are feeling sad and lonely on the weekends. We can expect the weekend to be a time for relaxation, fun, and recharging but feel stress or sadness when reality doesn’t match what we hoped for. I remember when I first moved to Lisbon spending many weekends feeling a bit sad and wondering if I’d have more to look forward to one day.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Currently freaking out over this

What I’m about to tell you about has been a total dream in the making for YEARS.

What happens when a nutritionist and a psychologist combine forces? You’re about to find out!

A little while ago I shared with you that I’ve teamed up with my best friend, Abi Owens, a talented functional nutritionist to the stars, to bring you our brand-new series: "Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health”, where we share healthy recipes that help us with Chronic Fatigue, insulin resistance, and PCOS.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Why You're So Tired

Ya’ll are TIRED. Seriously, when I ask people how they’re feeling, “tired” is the most common answer. And I GET it, I feel like despite all my own best efforts I still struggle to ever feel truly rested. (I’m sure my tendency to do some late night social media scrolling has nothing to do with it, right?)

There are a ton of reasons you might be feeling tired. Work demands, home demands, hormones, environmental toxins, poor sleep, and nutrition all play a role. However, one of the primary contributors to our collective fatigue isn’t totally your fault. We as a society are terrible at resting.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Another reason to love eating

I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! I’ve teamed up with my best friend, Abi Owens, a talented functional nutritionist to the stars, to bring you our brand-new series: "Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health." 🥗🧠

We’ve both navigated our own health journeys—Abi with chronic fatigue and IBS, and myself with PCOS and insulin resistance. Together, we’ve learned so much about how food can significantly impact our mental well-being, and we’re excited to share these insights with you!

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

The best news for my birthday

It’s my birthday this week and I’m feeling grateful for YOU and for the blessings of friends, family, and abundance in my life. And there’s one very special bit of news that just came out this week which feels like the best birthday present ever…

Last month I flew out to LA for a secret project that I’ve been dying to tell you about! (Hint: What do Julianne Hough, Gabrielle Union, and Jonathan Van Ness have in common? Keep reading to find out.)

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Navigating the Pain of Friend Breakups: How to Heal and Move Forward

When we think about breakups, we often picture the end of romantic relationships. But friend breakups? They can be just as, if not more, painful and unexpected. Unlike romantic relationships, we don’t often anticipate that a friendship will end. When a friendship does end, it can feel like a total shock. It’s a unique kind of pain, sometimes even worse than the end of a romantic relationship.

As we grow, our needs, values, and interests evolve. It’s natural for some friendships to not outlive these changes. This doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or your friend.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Bouncing Back: How to Redesign Your Life After a Major Setback

When I got fired from my first grown up job after grad school, I was so shocked I don’t think I even had a real reaction until weeks later. Here I was, well paid and young with a shiny new doctorate degree, thinking I was on top of the world and now collecting unemployment checks.

Life has a funny way of throwing us curveballs when we least expect them. Whether it's a devastating breakup, the sudden loss of a loved one, an unexpected illness, or a job loss,

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

What I’m Grateful for This 4th of July as an American Living in Portugal

Five years ago, I never imagined living abroad, let alone being close to citizenship in another country. Living in Lisbon, so much of my identity is tied to being American. It’s often the first thing I share when meeting someone new: “Hi, I’m Therese, I’m American, and I’ve been living in Lisbon for five years.”

This 4th of July, for the first time in years, I’m back in LA. I’ve been soaking up everything I love about being home, like eating breakfast burritos on the beach, walking along the boardwalk, and driving way too far to see friends.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

How I Resist the Urge to Tell People to Go F*ck Themselves: Part 3 - Keeping Composure During Heated Political Discussions

In our third and final installment of “How I Resist the Urge to Tell People to Go F*ck Themselves,” we’re talking about how to handle a specific type of tough situation: tense discussions about world events.

Let’s face it, talking politics these days feels like navigating a minefield. It seems no matter what you say, you’re bound to upset someone. People have very little tolerance for disagreement, and we’ve all seen the rise of cancel culture where anyone with a differing opinion gets swiftly dismissed. It’s tough to be a person when it feels like others are just looking for a fight.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Sharing with Condé Nast Traveler

What’s the opposite of non-chalance? Is it chalance? Well whatever it is, it’s with THAT I want to share that I was recently in Condé Nast talking about items to help your mental health while traveling with depression.

As a travel-obsessed human I am quite beside myself as I have loved Condé Nast for years!

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

How I Resist the Urge to Tell People to Go F*ck Themselves: Part 2 - Engaging in Conflict

Ever have one of those days where someone just sets you OFF? Maybe they lied, cheated, or stole from you. Or perhaps they left a nasty comment on your social media, questioning your credibility and even your voice. Trust me, I’ve been there. But instead of snapping back, I’ve learned a few tricks to keep my cool and handle conflict like a pro. Thanks to my therapist training and some good old-fashioned empathy (like we talked about last week), I can navigate these situations with more self-control. Here's how I do it.

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Ask A Psychologist: Tips on how to improve empathy

In the coming weeks, I’m sharing a mini-series with you called “How I Resist the Urge to Tell People to Go F*ck Themselves.” LOL. This not-entirely-serious-series was inspired by a conversation with a friend who was genuinely floored by how he saw me acting with empathy in a situation where he would have absolutely gone bananas. He asked, “How do you resist the urge to tell people to go f*ck themselves?”

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Therese Mascardo Therese Mascardo

Embracing Pride Month & making friends on the road

Speaking of the power of supportive communities, let’s talk about something close to my heart—how to build community when you’re on the road. Traveling and moving to different cities has taught me just how important it is to build connections wherever you go.

Some of my best friends today are people I’ve met on my travels. Finding your tribe while on the road can be a bit of a challenge, but trust me, it’s totally doable and so rewarding. Here’s how you can find your tribe while exploring the world:

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