When Loving Your Body Is Hard to Do
The reality is, our bodies change. Not just year to year but sometimes season to season. And that’s part of being human. When the colder months roll in, with their cozy sweaters, hearty comfort foods, and less sunlight, it’s easy to slip into self-judgment or worry about what others might think or say.
Feeling Lonely This Halloween?
But if you’re someone struggling with loneliness, this time of year can be tough—it can shine a spotlight on all the things you don’t have. The pressure to be social and “have fun” is at its peak, and it can feel like you’re the only one missing out. Trust me, you’re not alone in feeling this way, even if it seems like everyone else is out there living it up.
Did I just open a coffee shop in my apartment?
A few months ago, I did something unexpected and a little out of my comfort zone—I turned my apartment into a coffee shop for a day. Now, this wasn’t some big public event or anything extravagant. It was just for my close friends and family. I wanted to create a cozy, welcoming space where people could gather, enjoy some delicious drinks, and most importantly, connect with one another.
Practical Ways to Eat for Better Mental Health This Winter
As soon as the days start getting shorter and the air gets chilly, I always feel it—that low-energy, “I want to take a nap all the time” vibe that seems to creep in every fall. No joke, yesterday all I did was go out to lunch and I was so tired afterward I took a nap! And while that can be comforting at first, it can also lead to feeling more sluggish, down, and well, just blah. Sound familiar?
World Mental Health Day: People Making a Difference
I’ve been reflecting on some incredible people who are using their platforms to advocate for mental health, and I’m in total awe. World Mental Health Day is coming up this Thursday, October 10th, and I want to spotlight voices that are not just talking the talk but walking the walk when it comes to breaking the stigma and raising awareness.
Sharing my story with Vox on "Today, Explained"
Last Thursday, I had the incredible opportunity to be a guest on the "Today, Explained" podcast, where we dove into the digital nomad lifestyle and what it means to live and work remotely in a post-pandemic world. If you’ve ever been curious about how working from anywhere has changed my life, and what the Lisbon lifestyle is like for an American expat, this episode covers it all.
Ditch Perfection, Embrace Connection: The Joy of Cooking for Community
It’s not about impressing people with a fancy spread. When you share a meal with others, it taps into something primal—there’s a reason “rest and digest” mode sits opposite our survival-oriented “fight or flight” mode. Eating together helps lower our defenses, allowing us to relax and open up.
“Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health” Ep.4 Out Now!
This Mediterranean-inspired salmon dish is ready in under 30 minutes and you won’t believe how good it is! Plus, it’s packed with flavor AND mental health benefits too!
The People Pleaser’s Manifesto
The thing about people pleasing is that it feels so damn pleasant—at first. You’re the hero, the one who swoops in and saves the day, the "yes" person who makes everyone happy. But, and let’s keep it real, being the "yes" person can drain the life out of you.
“Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health” Ep.3 Out Now!
Indulge in this creamy, dreamy chocolate avocado mousse that’s as good for your brain as it is for your taste buds! Sure, it might look a little... well, like something else, but this dessert is no joke when it comes to boosting your mood.
World Suicide Prevention Day: Everyday Ways to Offer Hope and Prevent Suicide
September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness, spreading hope, and taking action to prevent suicide. I lost my brother GJ to suicide back in 2009. He was incredibly creative, kind, and thoughtful. Losing him was one of the most painful experiences of my life and a huge catalyst behind my mission to help others love their lives so they never want to leave them.
“Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health” Ep.2 Out Now!
I’m so excited to share something sweet with you today—literally! Abi and I just dropped a brand new video where we whip up a treat that’s not only delicious but also packs some serious mental health benefits. 🎉
Introducing our High Protein Probiotic Berry Bark—a simple, refreshing snack that combines the creamy goodness of Greek yogurt with the antioxidant power of fresh berries. It’s the perfect way to treat yourself while giving your brain a little boost.
Do You Ever Really “Get Over” a Relationship?
If you’ve ever had your heart broken, you’ll get it when I say it’s one of the most profound and challenging forms of grief. It’s not something you simply “get over” like flipping a switch. As a therapist who’s experienced heartache myself, I look back on those times as some of the hardest I’ve ever been through in my life.
Embracing the Shift: Reflecting on Summer's End and Welcoming Fall's New Rhythms
When I was growing up, the end of summer always brought a sense of impending doom. Goodbye summer vacation and hello protractors and geometry. But without fail, every September when school would start, I’d be so happy to see my friends again and be learning all sorts of new and interesting things.
Do You Get the Weekend Blues?
These days, I’m hearing more and more about how people are feeling sad and lonely on the weekends. We can expect the weekend to be a time for relaxation, fun, and recharging but feel stress or sadness when reality doesn’t match what we hoped for. I remember when I first moved to Lisbon spending many weekends feeling a bit sad and wondering if I’d have more to look forward to one day.
Currently freaking out over this
What I’m about to tell you about has been a total dream in the making for YEARS.
What happens when a nutritionist and a psychologist combine forces? You’re about to find out!
A little while ago I shared with you that I’ve teamed up with my best friend, Abi Owens, a talented functional nutritionist to the stars, to bring you our brand-new series: "Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health”, where we share healthy recipes that help us with Chronic Fatigue, insulin resistance, and PCOS.
Why You're So Tired
Ya’ll are TIRED. Seriously, when I ask people how they’re feeling, “tired” is the most common answer. And I GET it, I feel like despite all my own best efforts I still struggle to ever feel truly rested. (I’m sure my tendency to do some late night social media scrolling has nothing to do with it, right?)
There are a ton of reasons you might be feeling tired. Work demands, home demands, hormones, environmental toxins, poor sleep, and nutrition all play a role. However, one of the primary contributors to our collective fatigue isn’t totally your fault. We as a society are terrible at resting.
Another reason to love eating
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! I’ve teamed up with my best friend, Abi Owens, a talented functional nutritionist to the stars, to bring you our brand-new series: "Eat Your Way To Better Mental Health." 🥗🧠
We’ve both navigated our own health journeys—Abi with chronic fatigue and IBS, and myself with PCOS and insulin resistance. Together, we’ve learned so much about how food can significantly impact our mental well-being, and we’re excited to share these insights with you!